
"Let There Be Light."

My post today is dedicated to the Divine spirit of "Let There Be Light."

There is only one light , - creating the illusion that there are beings, buildings, nature, animals, machines, vehicles, earth, water, sky and or course interaction between all of these. Nothing can appear or happen that is not caused by or is not an expression of this one light.

In the same way every being, object and event that appears or occurs in this world is a projection of that one universal divine consciousness. All beings are expressions of the divine; Our beloved is an expression of this divine consciousness. So are our children, parents and siblings, our friends and co-workers, even our employers and employees. All strangers are expressions of this one divine consciousness. We ourselves are expressions of that consciousness.

All objects are expressions of that universal consciousness. All of nature is obviously an expression of this divine consciousness. Even man-made objects such as buildings and cars and all that we produce is an expression – through mankind – of that consciousness.

All events occur within that universal consciousness. Nothing can happen in our experiences that are not a manifestation of that one light. In truth, nothing can happen in this world that does not have as its source that one universal consciousness. The light gives reality; there is no reality without the light –just white light – pure consciousness. May we all feel this essence and become a living example of this light. …..Love and light, Christina


Beyond Thinking and Feeling...

There is a place within each of us that is completely untouched by anything that is not love. Soul consciousness is the state we experience when our internal reference point shifts from body, mind, and ego, to the observer of body, mind, and ego. This is the place whereby we begin to identify with the aspect of the Self which is beyond thinking and feeling, (the silent witness), a place where one begins to feel more calm, centered and intuitive in daily life. As we cultivate the authentic core of self it solidifies, there is less emotional drama in our lives.

Relationships become more loving and compassionate and one finds a deeper more caring relationship with the environment and nature. The most remarkable aspect of this state of consciousness is the knowledge of one’s nature as timeless and it marks the critical transition from an identity bound to a conditioned life, to a life of freedom in self-knowledge. This Divine consciousness is the expansion of cosmic consciousness where the ever-present witnessing awareness is experienced not only in the silence of the Self, but also in the most abstract qualities of nature and the mind. ….love and light Christina


Celebrating the In-Between Times

While celebrations are sometimes intended to honor life’s more momentous occasions, much of real life tends to happen during the in-between times. While moving from one moment in time to the next is seldom considered a significant occurrence, yet it is during those in-between times that we are most in tune with life’s most profound, albeit simple joys. Celebrating the in-between times can be as easy as paying special attention to them when they do happen, rather than taking them for granted. The beauty of Life is happening all around us and to us between the pauses that we take to honor our journey through life. It’s our focus of attention that can turn an in-between time into a celebration. May we pay homage to each moment; by slowing down and allowing ourselves time to look around at the beauty of nature, by opening our hearts and minds to take in all of life’s wonders. Far too often, we let those simple moments of awe pass us by. I’m celebrating you my friends as we all celebrate the gifts of life! …. love and light, Christina


The Power of Christ

The Power of Christ

This is the power that gives us the strength to stop being small human beings, holding onto our resentments, hurts and anger. Christ gave us a new understanding with his suffering. We must learn to understand exactly what he said to those who abused and killed him. “They know not what they do.”

All negative actions come out of fear, insecurity and ignorance. When people harm us with their words and actions, they are acting out of insecurity; out of a low level of consciousness. “They know not what they do.” As we grow into a higher level of consciousness we understand that and we forgive. Christ forgave those who killed him and he even prayed for them. This message has failed to seep into many hearts even though thousands of years have passed since that powerful message.

In light of the increased violence in our world today, how we react is up to each individual. Perhaps it is another opportunity for spiritual growth for each of us, for growing out of “Us” and “Them” into the light and deeper understanding of the soul. Jesus passed this test and showed us how it is done.

We must understand that the other is acting out of ignorance, insecurity and fear; understand also that these events are happening for a reason … perhaps to test our individual and collective wisdom, strength and love. There is a difference between suppression of negative emotions and the transcendence of them through wisdom and love.

Perhaps the understanding that Christ is not a man who lived two thousand years ago. He is the power of Spirit, Life, God which lives within us today. He is the Christ Consciousness which lives in every being everywhere, including the animals and plants. Many times Christ told us this and yet it is not yet possible for many to understand this because we haven’t reached the individual or collective stage of our evolution where we can feel or experience the Christ Consciousness in ourselves and others. Witnessing the world around us it is obvious we have work to do.

Christ also gave us the message that God is not a particular form, but is what we call Universal Consciousness. Each of us has direct access to that Divine Consciousness. Christ through his resurrection removed the necessity of a third party order to have contact with God. He brought God into our hearts, minds and bodies. Be leaving the physical form and sending the Holy Spirit, he made it easier for us to realize this.

JOHN 16.7 “But I am telling you the truth. It is better for you that I go away, because if I do not go, the Helper will not come to you. But if I do go away, then I will send him to you.”

This is a very powerful message, one which can be of great use to us. God does not exist outside of ourselves in some heaven, He exists as the Life Force Energy itself, the power of nature within our bodies and our minds.

This power, the Christ Consciousness, lies within us, and our work is simple, have faith and begin to look into ourselves and in our silence listen to the small voice of God, the Holy Spirit within us. We crucify the Christ Consciousness every day in thousands of ways every time we choose matter over spirit, every time we ignore the suffering and needs of others, every time we choose violence over peace.

It is time to let go, forgive all and reduce the concentration on extended events happening in our world. Have faith that the power of nature will provide for us if only we harmonize ourselves with the flow of love, living for all humanity; while remembering that Humanity in its totality is a large portion of the manifestation of the entire Universal Consciousness on this physical plane.

May we serve Humanity by aligning ourselves with this Spiritual Power of forgiveness and love for all; May we pray together, work together, love one another and share everything that we have; connecting ourselves through God in prayer in concentration and allow love and peace to reveal itself in our world. God is the power, but we are the instruments of creation here on this earth. What we have collectively created is our mess and it is we who must clean it up. Let us not continue crucifying Christ daily, let us be done with this lesson and bring peace to our world… and light Christina



Collapsing the Wave …. Creating a New Reality

Collapsing the Wave …. Creating a New Reality

Quantum physics tells us that a photon or electron is actually a wave of possibilities until there is a witness that causes that wave to "collapse" into a specific particle in a specific place and time. It appears that the witness causes the wave of possibilities to leave that state of many possibilities and become one specific reality as we know it.

We might imagine that something similar is happening between ourselves and life. Imagine life as a wave of possibilities, all of which exist together in an un-manifested state. In this state nothing is formed yet. All is possible. Memories and programs are not yet limiting this conscious- energy.

Once pure consciousness begins to express itself through our programmed minds it becomes limited and tends to attract what is in agreement with our memories and programming. Our beliefs and emotions cause the unlimited formless consciousness to form into what we call our reality - with people, actions and events - all of which are reflections of and responses to our inner content.

True forgiveness is a process for cleaning out our inner content so that we can cease distorting the expression of this pure consciousness in our lives. When we forgive ourselves and ask others to forgive us, it is not because we have done them some harm or made a mistake. It is because we are acknowledging that we ourselves are creating our reality and not them. Also we are realizing that something in our programming has brought them into our awareness and causes us to notice them and perhaps have feelings about what is happening or what they are doing.

Once we realize that it is our own inner reality that is causing this outer reality to manifest and affect us, then we are free from feeling that we are the victims or that others are responsible for our reality. We are taking 100% responsibility for our own reality. We realize that the only way to change that reality is to free ourselves from whatever there is within us that is contributing to it - even though we may not know what that might be. The truth is there is no them and us....there is no separation. We are all One with all that is.

May we all create a new reality in full awareness for ourselves and for others through forgiveness, and may we realize we are all ONE. And as we do, let us all expect and allow the miracle of peace to show up in the most amazing way! ……. love and light, Christina

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