The Essence of Living Lightly
The Essence of Living Lightly
Let’s begin with a simple definition of Lightly: with little weight or force; without care or concern: in a way that is not serious; in a quick and graceful way.
What does it mean to Live Lightly?
We could be anywhere on this wonderful planet of ours, perhaps on a mountain or by the sea, we might feast on the canopy of the blue sky and puffy white clouds or look at the waves cresting and falling back on the water, we might take in the incredible views from the mountaintop, but if we try to contain or grasp these wonders; we will only be grabbing at the air, and if we try to push it away we will find it does not resist.
This is a true phenomenon for most everything in life; these wonders are only appearances, ever changing from moment to moment. An empty sky transforms to blue and the fluffy clouds appear from the formless. The view from the mountaintop shifts as the sun rises and sets, the waves upon the water are in constant flux rising and falling, while we can touch the water, we cannot grasp the waves. All form changes and in similar fashion all phenomena manifests from this vast void.
Living lightly happens when we realize the best way to seize our human essence is to realize that there is nothing to grasp. It is the pulling and pushing in life causes much suffering, our own and that of others. Living lightly means we STOP doing that. Instead we feel the essence of the void, the emptiness and fulfill the purpose of our human life, by feeling the experience of total freedom and bliss. Live this essence, share this essence and bring others along with us.
“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.” ~Eckhart Tolle
To live lightly we must learn to live in the present moment and to accept things as they are, and we need to live within that framework mindfully. We no longer expect good or bad things to happen, but take life as it is, and be content with whatever comes. It helps to remember that people do what they do….simple….they do what they do because they do not know any other way of being. We and all others have been programmed from childhood as to beliefs and behavior and until that is examined by self-discovery and transformed through hard work we will continue to do what we do.
When we STOP judging things as good or bad, we are free from the burdens of the emotion of judgment, and can live lighter, freer. Hamlet said, ‘There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’ Without the human mind, things just happen, and they are not good or bad. It’s only when we apply the filter of our judgment that they become good or bad, beautiful or ugly. Therefore another aspect of living lightly is the importance of dropping expectations…not just lowering them, but eliminating them!
When we have expectations and things don’t go the way we expect we become disappointed; frustrated…..and we are judging something to be good or bad. This disappointment easily turns to anger … But what if we had no expectations — then actions would be neither good nor bad, just actions. We could accept them without frustration, anger, sadness. When people disappoint us, it’s not their fault. They’re just being who they are.Our expectations are at fault.
Judgement means that we don’t seek to understand, it means we’ve already come to a conclusion and often based on our perception and assumptions. If we stop judging, we can take a more intelligent course of action, because we’re better informed by our understanding. We can choose non-judgment, we can live in the moment, accepting the experience as neither good nor bad, but simply what is. This is living lightly.
So how do we live lightly?
We begin by observing and becoming more aware of our thoughts and feelings. Notice any judgments coming up, notice when we have any expectations. Over time we might find ourselves paying witness to this more and more and we will become conscious of these thoughts. Pause each time you notice a judgment or expectation. Take a breath. Then tell yourself to STOP doing this. Remember: “No expectations, no good or bad.” Repeat this, and let go of the judgment or expectation.
Next be open to seeing things as they are. Remain in an awareness state of an observer as you try understand, become curious as to why things are as they are, investigate your inner thinking. See the landscape of this experience as it actually is, without the filter of judgments or expectations. Experience it, in the moment. Take right action appropriately, without overreacting because it isn’t as we hoped or wanted. We can’t control life, or others, but we can control how you react. Accept people for who they are. Accept yourself, without judgment, as you are. This takes practice.
Let go of the mind stuff….. We cannot grasp the emotions of sadness, anger, worry, stress, disappointment and other things of the mind…..this too is in constant flux and change. These emotions will also dissolve back into the formless. Have the will to transform any negative thoughts that cause such emotions into ones that serve us. Move the states of the mind to the heart and live and breath from the space of love and light.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as “a bodily exercise precious to health.”
The something special about laughter is that we can take ourselves less seriously and this process causes us to lighten up. When we laugh we can feel our body open up allowing the life force energy to move through the body. If we want more happiness, joy and peace, and if we want to Live Lightly, then make sure that you have laughter and humor in your life.
All of life is transient and ever changing; it is better to enjoy the wonders and miracles surrounding us and not take life and self too seriously. May we all live life lightly and in perfect grace with an absolute knowing all is as it is and all is always perfect for our evolution to higher states of being human. …..Love and light, Christina
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