
Happy New Year 2015

My Vision for 2016 ….. and for the Future of Our World

A dear friend of mine asked me this morning what my wish was for this New Year …. here is my response along with a big thank you to my dear friend….smiling

We are all one body, all people in unity as a planetary body attuning to one another and to the divine intelligence of the collective consciousness. We are immortal, not bound by the limits of the physical body. We are universal, higher level of beings and our innate sense of growth potential is only limited by our imagination; our intimation of a higher state of being is true.
We are all conscious co-creators, partners with God, where mystical and secular awareness unite in evolutionary consciousness as we all tune into the pattern in the process and assume some responsibility for creation.

The future affirms the past and we are reunited with our entire evolutionary past --- from beyond our moment of time through our cosmic conception into the birth of the universe. We know and understand more about the creative process and the laws of the universe allowing us to become more creative; more powerful in participating in the evolutionary process and transformation. This history we draw upon is billions of years of success and as co-creators we greet the infinite universe with the humility of hope, love, kindness, goodness, and peace knowing we are capable.

The separation is over, through expanded love and knowledge, the desire for a deeper union with the creative intelligence, God, is satisfied. United we become the second couple at the second tree….the Tree of Life. Adam and Eve were symbolically the first couple; they joined the masculine and feminine together and made a whole being wherein they reached the tree of knowledge and separated from the animal world. To reach the Tree of Life, to have access to the powers of creation, each person must become whole, masculine and feminine, the yin and the yang, the rational and the intuitive; only then can we unite whole being with whole being, co-creator and co-creator. Only then the "second couple", meaning the collective humanity, reaches the second tree, the Tree of Life, the tree of healing of the nations and cosmic consciousness is secure.

Perhaps we can see that the meaning of our crisis is to pay witness; to activate our new capabilities and the purpose of our new powers is universal life. Universal humanity is born, is alive, is well and is growing. Our birth has been accomplished….we are in a new beginning now.

This is my vast vision and this stage of our evolution it may at first seem beyond us. We might say, “What can I do as an individual in a transformation of this higher order?” Our participation in this change begins at home, in our personal lives, in that momentous intuitive decision to say yes to our unique potential. Joining together in small groups helps to stabilize our higher consciousness and to affirm our higher qualities of being. Transformation continues as we discover our callings, our chosen vocations.

Each life purpose is a vital element in this emerging collective humanity. We can form teams and partnerships, we can select initiatives to carry our life purpose into manifestation at the growing edge of change….stretching ourselves, though our participation, these projects become like our offspring --- they are loving expressions of our combined collective genius. Our commitment carries us forward to bring the inner work of personal and spiritual grown into spirit motivated action in the world.

I see that the human potential movement is growing into the social potential movement and each of us is a seed of transformation in the social body of the collective. As we connect with each other and then connect with the imaginal cells, we design new systems, innovations that bring forth the essential goodness and creativity of others.

Yes…..I have a vision of a new world in vivid and brilliant colors, alive with creativity and diversity; an ever evolving blueprint for a positive future in the countless acts of excellence and love now evolving in our world. The societal butterfly appears replete with greater freedom, consciousness and synergistic order---glorious beyond the imagination of the individuals who have composed it.

Dear friends and family, I feel very blessed as this year comes to a close. Each and every one of you have contributed to my heart felt vision over this past year. May we all continue in love and light to use our imagination and creativity to take the next best steps as co-creators in the coming year....May 2016 be remembered as the year of change!!!

I wish you all many blessings for the New Year and much love and light......Christina


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